As we stand together to commemorate the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birthday on this 12th of May 2023, Unique Health would like to take a moment to express its profound gratitude and appreciation towards the nurses of the world. You play an incredibly important role in improving and sustaining the health and well-being of all humanity, and we say “Thank You”.
It is often easy to forget just how challenging the work of a nurse is. The job is both physically and emotionally draining as they fight to protect the health of those in their care while placing themselves at risk of illness and infection. Unfortunately, this can sometimes be made even worse as they are subjected to verbal and sometimes even physical harassment by those who forget that nurses are not robots or medical instruments – they are living, breathing and feeling people like the rest of us, who have taken it upon themselves to pursue one of life’s most noble callings.
To this end, Unique Health would like to express its support of the International Nursing Council (INC)’s 2023 “Our Nurses. Our Future.” Campaign. If you’d like to know more, please feel free to visit their website at the link below, or to browse their “Charter for Change” by clicking the banner or button below.